Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Quick Pic

We went fishing again this past weekend. We went out to the beach on the island. It was very nice out. I caught a fish...again. At first I thought my line got stuck on the rocks, but as I kept reeling my line in I saw a big fish at the other end. I swear I thought my rod was gonna break. I needed help bringing it in so John grabbed the line and I was so excited because it was a big fish! (This time for real Rachel lol) Come to find out it was a Drum fish, I guess they are hard to catch and I caught one! Fred was down further on the rocks and when he came by me he asked to take a picture with my fish and claim it his. I said no lol.It wasn't legal size so I had to throw it back in. I forgot my camera but I took a pic with Natalie's iphone. Pay attention to the background, Fred was mad and stomped away. But, I gotta give him credit, I think he caught a gold fish or something =D

Thursday, April 16, 2009


This was Jovani's first Easter. This holiday was better than Christmas considering Jovani is older now and he can enjoy toys. Hes very grabby and curious. Enjoy...

See what I mean?

"Come on mom! I wanna play

Monday, April 13, 2009


Sorry I'm falling behind on this blogger thing. Well, I have two post to write about so lets get started shall we?
I think it was two Sundays ago I got introduced to a new hobby. Fred and I made some new friends, they go by the name of The Medranos. Very nice people. I don't have many friends out here. I have a handful of them and I, as always, am the youngest one. The Medranos, unlike my other friends (no offense lol) are young like us =]. In their 22s, married for 5 years. (crazy huh? Im surprised I made it to two haha just kidding Fred, love you.) Anywho, they are originally from Corpus Christi and they are into fishing. So one Sunday, they took us fishing on base and I caught my first fish and it was a MONSTER! I'm surprised I reeled it in. Jovani was then due for a feeding so I had Fred throw my line out and I caught another fish! A catfish =] Fred says he caught it, I say I did, so I'll give him partial credit for it. Men!!

Captain Jovani
Shrimp bait yummy

There is my MONSTER!

Award winning fish, you'll see me on ESPN soon
Then we used him for bait =[

See that white spot on Freds face? Thats a fish ha ha

Theres our (MY) fish we (I) caught

Cute, we threw him back