I have to admit, I didn't like not having help all week long during school because Fred had to stay up late papers to write, math to study, get up at five in the morning to study some more. I never got to spend anytime with him and I didn't get as much help as I wanted with Jovani. But seeing him walk across the stage and seeing that nervous/happy smile on his face made all those nights alone worth it because he's happy. I'm glad he finished college. I'm very very happy for him. He said he was gonna do it and he did it. He's made it a long way, a lot farther then a lot of other people we know.
Fred, I wish you nothing but the best in your life. I hope that the determination you have will stick with you forever so that you will be successful at everything you do. I'm so happy for you and I love very much!
Walking in, Fred is the second one