Sorry, I have no time in updating this thing. I have a full time job working with my sister at the home offices of Rodgers and Holland (jewelry store) which is very boring, but very fun when I can try on the beautiful rings we get in =]. Fred has been gone for more then a month, but hes only been in Afghanistan for two weeks. Sometimes the time feels like it drags then there are other times when the week goes by so fast. He wont be home til May, and it seems like forever and a day until he comes home. But we talk everyday,email, and we even get to Skype! So, its not as bad as I thought it was gonna be. I was thinking I would only have to rely on snail mail. It doesn't take from the fact that he is in a very dangerous place, I'm always worrying for him. I don't want anything to happen to him or anyone over there. I just pray that these next seven months go by so fast.
And in a way it has, because Halloween has past and so has Jovani's first birthday. I can't believe how fast his year went. He is no longer a baby, he looks like a big boy and it breaks my heart. I wish I could go back to the days when he would just sleep in his swing. Now, I'm always asking myself," is it bedtime yet?" lol Just kidding, I cant wait to come home from work to see my little buddy. Here are a few pics of Jo, for Halloween he was Brobee, his favorite character from Yo Gabba Gabba. Its this show on the noggin channel, now know as the nick jr channel. I like it too lol and some from his first bday party this past Saturday. Enjoy!