Five long ones to go. We hit a bunch of highlights already,Jovani's birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New years in four days. Once we get into January the countdown begins. Hope everyone had a great Christmas! I did,Santa (dad) gave me my estee lauder make up! YAY FOR ME!!!!!!!!! It pays to be a good girl.

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I finally found some time to get on!
Where do I begin? Thanksgiving was good. It would have been better if Fred were here. I took Jovani by the Menchacas first and then we went my sisters later on in the day. It really wasn't the same without Fred. The first Thanksgiving I spent without my family, I was wishing so bad to be back with them, but now I realize, that Fred is my family now. I mean, my mom and dad and sisters and nephews are always going to be my family, but Fred is my husband, and hes just...mine, if that makes any sense.
Before Fred deployed and he was training in San Diego, we found out that Jovani's favorite shoe Yo Gabba Gabba was going to be in Chicago at the time of our stay so Fred went ahead and bought Jovani tickets! It was on the 5th of December. Now, I know I'm a grown woman. But, I like a lot of their songs lol and I have to say their concert was the best concert Ive been to! No lie. The dropped balloons and confetti form the ceiling, bubbles flew into the audience, Biz Marke made a guest appearance, they gave away DJ Lance Rock glasses and everyone got up and danced. It was a blast! They only went to a few cities, I think they were Los Angeles, Houston, New York, and Chicago. I heard one of the employees say that there Will be another tour next spring and summer and we will be there!! I spent $200 plus on merchandise whoopsi! But We all got matching shirts for the next concert and Fred will be going to that one =]
I love this shirt, It says " Dear God, Please keep my daddy safe" in little kid hand writing with a yellow ribbon in the back.

Sunday, November 8, 2009
A serious lack of updates
Sorry, I have no time in updating this thing. I have a full time job working with my sister at the home offices of Rodgers and Holland (jewelry store) which is very boring, but very fun when I can try on the beautiful rings we get in =]. Fred has been gone for more then a month, but hes only been in Afghanistan for two weeks. Sometimes the time feels like it drags then there are other times when the week goes by so fast. He wont be home til May, and it seems like forever and a day until he comes home. But we talk everyday,email, and we even get to Skype! So, its not as bad as I thought it was gonna be. I was thinking I would only have to rely on snail mail. It doesn't take from the fact that he is in a very dangerous place, I'm always worrying for him. I don't want anything to happen to him or anyone over there. I just pray that these next seven months go by so fast.
And in a way it has, because Halloween has past and so has Jovani's first birthday. I can't believe how fast his year went. He is no longer a baby, he looks like a big boy and it breaks my heart. I wish I could go back to the days when he would just sleep in his swing. Now, I'm always asking myself," is it bedtime yet?" lol Just kidding, I cant wait to come home from work to see my little buddy. Here are a few pics of Jo, for Halloween he was Brobee, his favorite character from Yo Gabba Gabba. Its this show on the noggin channel, now know as the nick jr channel. I like it too lol and some from his first bday party this past Saturday. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Congrats Grad!
Well, Fred is officially a St. Leo Alumni. The ceremony was nice. It wasn't too long. I was worried Jovani would get fussy, the night before I didn't get any sleep on the count of Jovani teething and I have a level 3 sprain and a small fracture in my ankle (I fell ), plus Fred had duty at the hospital so I spent the night alone. So both Jovani and had no sleep and we tired yesterday. But Jovani did a great job. After the graduates walked in and the speakers started to give their speeches, Jovani thought he would give his input also and he blabbed away along with them. I had to shush them and quickly find something to give to him to keep him quiet. Then , the moment we were all waiting for, diplomas!
He was pointing to me and Jovani
HM2 Menchaca FMF now AA =]
I like his shirt and tie
I love this pic lol
**Thank you Dr. Luna for taking the pictures for us!
I have to admit, I didn't like not having help all week long during school because Fred had to stay up late papers to write, math to study, get up at five in the morning to study some more. I never got to spend anytime with him and I didn't get as much help as I wanted with Jovani. But seeing him walk across the stage and seeing that nervous/happy smile on his face made all those nights alone worth it because he's happy. I'm glad he finished college. I'm very very happy for him. He said he was gonna do it and he did it. He's made it a long way, a lot farther then a lot of other people we know.
Fred, I wish you nothing but the best in your life. I hope that the determination you have will stick with you forever so that you will be successful at everything you do. I'm so happy for you and I love very much!
Walking in, Fred is the second one
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
123 Numbers #
I hate math.
I always have, I always will. Numbers are bad.
But for now, I guess they are good. considering Fred got his leave for Chicago approved! So
as of today, there are only 23 more days left til we go back home!! We'll be leaving on the second right after Fred gets out of work and we'll be getting there on the third God willing. No more surprises. I'm tired of those.But I can't wait. I miss everyone! I can't stand this nasty Texas heat.
Til then, two days til our mini trip to Houston to see the Cubs play against the Astros. (I, as last year,am going for the pretzels and to get out of Corpus, Jovani is going to get a foul ball).
And 17 days til Freds college graduation. He'll be getting his associates and then in the fall he'll be attending Texas A&M CC for pre meds.
The best for last, In August, we'll only have one more year left in Texas! YAY! Maybe San Diego after that? I wanna shoot for Virgina Beach. We'll see.
Just a small post cause I haven't post in a long time.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
A Quick Pic
We went fishing again this past weekend. We went out to the beach on the island. It was very nice out. I caught a fish...again. At first I thought my line got stuck on the rocks, but as I kept reeling my line in I saw a big fish at the other end. I swear I thought my rod was gonna break. I needed help bringing it in so John grabbed the line and I was so excited because it was a big fish! (This time for real Rachel lol) Come to find out it was a Drum fish, I guess they are hard to catch and I caught one! Fred was down further on the rocks and when he came by me he asked to take a picture with my fish and claim it his. I said no lol.It wasn't legal size so I had to throw it back in. I forgot my camera but I took a pic with Natalie's iphone. Pay attention to the background, Fred was mad and stomped away. But, I gotta give him credit, I think he caught a gold fish or something =D
Thursday, April 16, 2009
This was Jovani's first Easter. This holiday was better than Christmas considering Jovani is older now and he can enjoy toys. Hes very grabby and curious. Enjoy...
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