I finally found some time to get on!
Where do I begin? Thanksgiving was good. It would have been better if Fred were here. I took Jovani by the Menchacas first and then we went my sisters later on in the day. It really wasn't the same without Fred. The first Thanksgiving I spent without my family, I was wishing so bad to be back with them, but now I realize, that Fred is my family now. I mean, my mom and dad and sisters and nephews are always going to be my family, but Fred is my husband, and hes just...mine, if that makes any sense.
Before Fred deployed and he was training in San Diego, we found out that Jovani's favorite shoe Yo Gabba Gabba was going to be in Chicago at the time of our stay so Fred went ahead and bought Jovani tickets! It was on the 5th of December. Now, I know I'm a grown woman. But, I like a lot of their songs lol and I have to say their concert was the best concert Ive been to! No lie. The dropped balloons and confetti form the ceiling, bubbles flew into the audience, Biz Marke made a guest appearance, they gave away DJ Lance Rock glasses and everyone got up and danced. It was a blast! They only went to a few cities, I think they were Los Angeles, Houston, New York, and Chicago. I heard one of the employees say that there Will be another tour next spring and summer and we will be there!! I spent $200 plus on merchandise whoopsi! But We all got matching shirts for the next concert and Fred will be going to that one =]
I love this shirt, It says " Dear God, Please keep my daddy safe" in little kid hand writing with a yellow ribbon in the back.

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